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Sunday, August 10, 2008

8/10/2008 12:44:00 AM

today had to help out my mum to burn some incense almost the whole afternoon to our ancestors n gods... after that went out wif my gf to marina to catch the fireworks for NDP. went a long way to find a gd spot for the fireworks... there were lots of ppl over there excited n enthusiastic for the celebration... according to my gf, ppl went there for the atmosphere of the celebrations... lol
after awhile manage to get a spot on a bridge behind esplanade for the fireworks. quite nice the fireworks i mus say but i still prefer those little fireworks at the floating platform itself... coz it is nt so much of "explosion" as compare to the 1 further away from the bay.

after that we hav to walk a long way back to MS to hav our dinner before we can somehw manage to catch a train back home... quite fun n quite tiring day... but still enjoyable for me... hope nxt year can hav the chance to be the bay ambassador lik last year...

- opps! it fell.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

7/31/2008 10:16:00 PM

tml is my 1st practical driving lesson... kinda nervous and excited... wonder how it would be lik sitting in the driver seat wif the chance to operate wif all the functions in the car... hope my instructor would be a patient guy. working days and hours r really long... haven been able to do stuff that i lik for quite sometime... hope everything would end soon n hopefully wif a good end. :)

- opps! it fell.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

7/19/2008 11:50:00 PM

huh today was suppose to help my gf work on 1 of her website proj... but somehw couldn get the right program before she drop by my hse in the morning... so in the end jus stayed wif her at my hse to work on her proj almost the whole day... but in the afternoon we watched a old movie "Happy Feet". quite nice n cute as the penguin "Mambo" went about trying to save its homeland from the humans and in the process gain the trust n acknowledgement of its kind.

in the evening went out to hav dinner wif my parents n my gf at central market. love the porridge there man.. really recommend u guys to try... try to get the stall number for u all nxt time... but it is at the right of the 3rd rows of tables starting from the banquet side.. the doughstick is really nice, kind of disappointed as they don really sell their doughsticks, it come wif the porridge.

- opps! it fell.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

7/16/2008 11:11:00 PM

Today was the BIG DAY!!! NAPHA!!! haha... at 1st was so nervous coz it hav been mths since i last exercise haha... (but recently jus hav a game of badminton) total of 6 stations there. we took the 1st 5 n the last was 2.4Km run...

1st station: Standing Board Jump (Got 250cm)

Was shocked for this station. few days before, went wif my friends to try out hw far we could jump n by then i cant even get 237 (which is a C). the result for this station was really a great motivation for the following stations.

2nd station: Shuttle Run (Finished at 9.3secs)

YES!!! i broke my own record... my last napha result for this station was onli lik 10 secs... so happy... lol

3rd station: Sit-Ups (Did 45)

normally for this station, u would hav some1 to help u support u by pressing down on ur feet so that it is easier for u to get up. today in my grp (grp of 10) is a bunch of ppl who i don really noe so netherless to say, the 1 that support me is some1 i donno... right at the start he askedd me for my age to check wat is the amount i nd for a A grade for this station. found out that 42 would be jus nice... so whn the timer started, i did all i can to get as close to 42 as possible n i manage to keep on till 35? before i slowly get up to 42 n finally 45... haha

4th station: Sit n Reach (Got 44)

jus nice to get a C which is happy enough for me... haha... since it is out of ns test nw... nth much bout this station.

5th station: Pull-Up (Did 11)


Last station: 2.4Km run (14.45 FaiLeD)

haha this was my ultermost fear for the test... haven been running n really exercising to train my stamina for the past 4 years? started to feel uncomfort in me at the start of the 2nd round. manage to tahan till the 4th round before dying off n started to take a stroke... haha... in between manage to run n walk.

after the test the lecturer printed out our result slip for us. after changing, went to amk wif my gf for our dinner before heading back home... haha... really a tired day... goin to slp nw... tc...

- opps! it fell.

Monday, July 14, 2008

7/14/2008 10:26:00 PM

today went to sch as per normal but the onli diff me 3 of my friends will be working other lecturers for their proj while we resume our training for the final round...

1st task of the day: Theory paper

OMG!!! theory paper about 1 mth after the QR is almost a complete killer for me... some of the questions really took me sometime to fingure out... while some hav jus the same old simple logic still took me so long really make me feel abit lousy for the day...
Near the end of the day, watched a movie in the lab to relax awhile before goin off...

Met my gf after sch n went to popular n somewhere near her hse to check out some stuff... lately hav been offended by my gf's words very easily... so sorry my dear.. it really makes me feel so useless whn she say those harsh stuff as a joke to me... i dono y i cant really take those words as jokes recently as i really feel very useless in some areas n in additional to those, i really feel very affected. sometime i jus cant help think of times whn i was young whn trouble (fan niao) is nv a problem that would ever occur on me. but i oso noe it would come eventually as i grow older but i oso understood that aids n supports would be around as the troubles came by...

in the beginning things was goin jus fine even whn my mum was mostly onli concern about my needs and nt my feelings. i had a great gf that supports me n cheer me up everytime wif her smile wif simple things n words from me. but lately things hav got worse whn my mum starts to give me advices n 0% of encouragement or praises. i noe it seems kind of childish but it really make me feel sad whn there is nt even a single statement of encouragement from my mum which turns all her advices as pressure n burden to me instead... slowly whn my gf loves to joke more on negative words which is similar to stuff that comes from my mum, i jus felt worse n dishearted as days go by.

i jus wish for someways to let off my pressure lik before... jus some simple ways or things that can alot me to loosen up abit that is almost propotionate to my lvl of pressure. (1:10)? which is more thn enough by nw is lik (0:10)? problems really hav been building up and solutions were nv the best which leave some residue as regrets in me.

Hope the sun will shine soon after the rain...

- opps! it fell.

Friday, July 11, 2008

7/11/2008 01:00:00 PM

Man!!!! Days are so boring nowadays... today my lecturer allow us to come back home earlier to hav a good rest before our training resume nxt week... but kinda goin to rot at home nw... wat can i do nei? hai...
nw everything seems goin to come to an end. e.g my ncc life, ex-co life, poly life and many more... but is also goin to mark the start of my real adulthood as i enter ns nxt year wif a bald head, lol. i'm really looking forward to the nxt stage of my life as i see it will be very diff from my current daily routine...

life is so systematic, but the content is up to u to fill in.

- opps! it fell.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

7/06/2008 12:38:00 AM

today went out early in the morning to ssdc to apply my pdl license... whn i recahed there, the counter was still nt ready for service therefore hav to wait for awhile till they start operating... after getting my pdl i got home changed n went down to buy breakfast or say super early lunch at 9 plus (bought wanton mee). after that, went back home to put down the stuff and went back out again to meet my gf to walk her to my hse for the meal...

around 1220, went out together wif my gf and a couple of friends to orchard for a psc career fair. there were both booths and individual talks by various associations in the rooms and booths of each association in a grand ballroom. went to find out some info at the booths whn we jus arrived as the talk onli start bout an hr later :x

sat through out for 90 mins of talk before leaving the place... got ourselves quite a few bags full of stuff and some knowledge of various careers and some scholarships that the associations offers.

after that was kind of shopping time. went to the flea market opposite cine following by taka... went home shortly as my shoes was making my foot too painful to carry on walking...

had my dinner wif my gf at sumo hse later on before goin on to find a couple of stuffs n retiring home for a gd rest... lol

- opps! it fell.


30 aug


Sports: Basketball


Nothing for the moment


Graduate with a DWM
Get my driving license
Get into OCS
Earn reasonable pay
Ability to support Baby & Families

Online Shop

Do visit this online shop people...!



`shin theng


designed by JUNYING
photo from NOCTURNAL-DEVIL from deviantart


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